MedGyn Products manufactures and distributes medical devices for the women's healthcare industry including disposables, high quality instruments and equipment to OB/GYN professionals around the world. Our focus on our corporate values has allowed us to continually grow for over two decades as one of the leading suppliers of medical devices for women.

Video content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for clinical training, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Reliance on any information shown on this site is solely at your own risk.

Embryo Transfer Catheter

Word Bartholin’s Catheter

MedGyn’s Cervical Cancer Treatment Products

Dr. Libertad Rodriguez Testimonial

Introduction to MedGyn Products, Inc.

Introduction to Laminaria

MedGyn Cryotherapy System

MedGyn MTA-100 Thermal Ablation System

MedGyn AL-106 High Definition Digital Video Colposcope

MedGyn Pessary

MedGyn Endosampler

MedGyn Endosampler and Pipette

MedGyn Infertility Products

MedGyn Cell Sweep

MedGyn Aspiration Kit Double Valve

MedGyn Electrodes and Lletz Instruments

MedGyn Stainless Steel and Titanium Instruments

MedGyn AL-106: Ideal for SANE and Forensic Nurses

MedGyn Sistema de Ablación Térmica MTA-100 – En Español

Dr. Igor Jeremic – Testimonial

Dr. Ibtesam Alkaabi – Testimonial

Dr. Ibtesam Alkaabi – Testimonial (Arabic)

Arab Health Partner – Testimonial

Dr. Jack Salom – Testimonial

MedGyn Partner – Testimonial

MedGyn Cryotherapy Testimonial

MedGyn’s Aspiration Kit Testimonial

MedGyn’s AL-106 HD Digital Video Colposcope Testimonial

MedGyn’s Monsel Solution Testimonial

Testimonio en el MedGyn Pessary – En Español

Testimonio en el MedGyn Cell Sweep y AL-106 Colposcope – En Español