Dr. Lisa Pair: Providing Insight & Expertise on Pessaries

As a committed partner of OB/GYN professionals globally, MedGyn proudly highlights those providers who are dedicated to women’s health. Dr. Lisa Pair, a Nurse Practitioner and Assistant Professor of Nursing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, has dedicated decades of her life and career focused on women’s health throughout their lifespan. 

Lisa, a board-certified women’s health nurse practitioner since 1992, has a diverse background in clinical research and academics. Over the span of her 39-year career, she has worked as a nurse practitioner in the clinical setting providing care for women with pelvic floor disorders including pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. She has taught in the graduate WHNP program for several years, incorporating evidence-based teaching strategies into her curriculum. Dr. Pair is also a published author of several academic articles with a concentration on women’s health. 

Recently, Lisa presented at the Society of Urological Nurses & Associates (SUNA), “Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence: The Role of a Vaginal Support Device.”  This presentation provided insight for attendees on the role of vaginal support devices, as well as the various types of pessaries available. Dr. Pair presented the indications for a pessary trial, which include: 

  • Need for pessary (Pelvic Organ Prolapse or Urinary Incontinence)
  • Patient’s desire for non-surgical intervention 
  • Medical contraindications to surgery 
  • Desire to postpone surgical intervention

From years of collaborating with many other doctors and specialists, Dr. Pair offered her expertise in her presentation on which pessary type would be most suitable for different scenarios of pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence. Her presentation offered ways to obtain a proper fitting for different patients, as well as the insertion and maintenance recommendations of pessaries. She also offers detailed information on follow-up management which is crucial in the patient education component of care. 


MedGyn offers an extensive line of pessaries for healthcare professionals globally. Some of the most widely used pessaries include Ring, Cube (with or without drainage), Gellhorn, and Oval. We also offer a Pessary Fitting Set to help the clinician determine the proper style and size of pessary for each patient. Moreover, MedGyn offers a convenient Pessary Case which contains 28 pessaries of varying styles for different medical scenarios.  


We are so pleased to collaborate with providers on many levels and in different capacities. From utilizing practitioners’ feedback in product development, or by providing product information and imagery for medical educational purposes, MedGyn is dedicated to improving healthcare through our products and excellent service.